

Homepage of the Dynamic System (http://www.west.net/~goethean)
Wilhelm Reich Homepage (http://www.orgone.org)
British Institute of Homoeopathy (http://www.homeopathy.com/)
Homeopathy On-line, Volume III - Sequential Therapy

National Center for Homeopathy
U.S. national homeopathic membership organization. Complete directory of resources.

Wise Guides
Homeopathic Tutorial

Midwifery Today

Veterinarian Homeopathy

Helios Pharmacy UK
For homeopathic products in the UK

Dr. Andrew Lockie
Author of several excellent books on homeopathy.

Jay Yasgur
Author of several excellent books on homeopathy including the Homeopathic Dictionary.

North American Society of Homeopaths
An organization of professional practitioners.

Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States
Familiarizes you with the homeopathic pharmacopoeia convention of the United States, and regulatory status of homeopathy.



Acupuncture BioEnergetic Information and Services - offers information in the areaa of alternative and complementary medicines, to include acupuncture, homeopathy and the use of herbs.

PagaNet News - includes info on herbalism, mythology, magick, sabbats, homeopathy, and Pagan events, focusing on Wicca and other Earth-centered religions.

Natural Health Chat Line - chat with others about different herbs, vitamins, or other natural health related subjects including homeopathy.

Personal Excellence Wellness Center - specializing in women’s health through homeopathy, herbology, and clinical nutrition counseling. Also offers vitamins, herbs, and homeopathic supplements.

HealthSet Industries - HSI markets special homepathic remedies, also sells a series of computer books on homeopathy.

Archibel - produces analysis and patient management software for practitioners in homeopathy and acupuncture

Lau Scientific - offers the Homeopathic Remedy Finder CD-Rom computer software program for homeopathy, alternative healing and complimentary medicine.

Women’s Health Center - authoritative resource on natural approaches to women’s health, including herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, and Chinese Medicine.

Homeopathic Educational Services - resource for books, tapes, medicines, software, correspondence courses, and general information on homeopathy.

Healthy Child Newsletter - provides information about natural holistic health for children. Articles include nutrition, disease prevention, herbs, homeopathy, vaccinations, and environmental toxins.



The National Center for Homeopathy/NCH
The NCH is the leading homeopathic organization in the United States. This site include several dozen articles plus a searchable directory for homeopaths in the U.S.

Online Training in Hahnemannian Homeopathy (David Little’s site)
This is a site for serious students of classical homeopathy. Developed by a master homeopath, David Little, this site provides detailed instruction in Hahnemannian homeopathy.

Will Taylor’s Homeopathy Page
Will Taylor, MD, ia a classical Hahnemannian homeopath who offers much detailed information on how to practical homeopathy

British Homeopathic Journal
The British Homeopathic Journal is a peer review journal that is homeopathy’s most academic journal. It is the only homeopathic journal listed in the Index Medicus and Medline. The abstracts are available online.

North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH)
This is the leading organization of unlicensed professional homeopaths.

Institute of Classical Homoeopathy
This is a 4-year school and training program in classical homeopathy in San Francisco.

Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy
This is a distance learning program that teaches acute homeopathy to health professionals. Willa Esterson Keizer, CCH, Director.

Homeopathy/Vaccination/Chronic Disease Site
Led by a homeopathic MD, Dr. Tinus Smits, this site contains information about the serious side effects from vaccinations and how to treat them with homeopathic medicines.

German Homeopathic Doctors Discussion Group
In German, this is a discussion group of homeopathic clinical practice.

Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP)

New England Journal of Homeopathy
An excellent journal for serious students and practitioners of homeopathy.

Homeopathic Links (a homeopathic journal)
An excellent homeopathic journal for serious students or practitioners of homeopathy

Colorado Institute for Classical Homeopathy
A training program in homeopathic medicine.
Argentian Homeopathic Medical Association

British Homeopath and Physician Dr. Andrew Lockie

SpiritTalk Magazine
An online magazine focusing on spiritual, health, and ecology issues

Matilda’s Health. Medicine Search Engine

Razor’s Edge Technologies (creators of the CD-ROM "The Interactive Health Food Store")

Starting Point Search Engine

USA Online

The Alternative Medicine Foundation
This nonprofit organization provides the public with responsible and reliable information to help them become active consumers and to provide health care providers, insurers, and HMO’s with the evidence-based research information about alternatives to conventional biomedicine.

Center for Health Research - products for attention deficit disorder, behavior, allergies, cfids, chronic fatigue, chiropractic support, homeopathy, diets and fibromyalgia include books and videotapes.

Heritage Store - featuring Edgar Cayce remedies, homeopathy, holistic, herbal, alternative, massage, psoriasis, hair, health, AIDs, skin care, vitamins, supplements, tonics, gums, and astrology.

Rowan Tree Group - new age, alternative therapy, holistic and persoanl development covering homeopathy, crystals, astrology and new age music.

Australasian College of Natural Therapies - one of Australia’s largest colleges of alternative medicine, teaching many courses in natural therapies including massage, aromatherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy and others.

National College of Complimentary Medicine and Sciences - offers programs leading to a comprehensive understanding of medicine, science and overall health. Programs in allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, heteropathy, chiropractics, and more.

Center for Empirical Medicine - promoting alternative cancer therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and chiropractic.

Women’s Health Center - authoritative resource on natural approaches to women’s health, including herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, and Chinese Medicine.

National College of Complimentary Medicine and Sciences - offers programs leading to a comprehensive understanding of medicine, science and overall health. Programs in allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, heteropathy, chiropractics, and more.

Acupuncture BioEnergetic Information and Services - offers information in the areaa of alternative and complementary medicines, to include acupuncture, homeopathy and the use of herbs.

Rosedale Clinic, The - treatment methodologies include acupuncture, aromatherapy, bioresonance, homeopathy and meditation.

Center For Advanced Medicine - specializes in life-extension medicine: holistic counseling, chelation therapy and homeopathy.

Shepherd of Hope Clinic - offers chelation therapy, homeopathy, prolotherapy, chiropractic, and family practice.

Myrtle Tree, The - offering services to maintain well-being, including herbal prescriptions, acupuncture, massage therapy, foot reflexology, homeopathy, and nutritional counseling

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