Diagnostic Research is a Model Diagnostic and Therapeutic Centre of Holistic Medicine serving patients in the area for 20 years. It offers a unique, individualised and personalised treatment for every patient.
Our Center provides altrernative methods of treatment such as Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Phytotherapy, Biotherapy and Colon Hydrotherapy.
Obstetrician and Surgeon Gynecologist Evangelos Gikontes, directs the Diagnostic Research Center. Division of it is Obstetrics and Gynecology, where our goal is for the expectant mother to feel safe, comfortable and all her medical needs to be met.
Thanks to its mild but effective action, phytotherapy appears to be the ideal response to the "diseases of the century" that characterize our society, such as anxiety, lack of sleep or obesity.
Biotherapy has been practiced since ancient times, with excellent results in restoring balance and regulating the energy existence of humans. It is a simple natural energy method that creates the positive conditions for a healthy body and mind.
Colon Hydrotherapy is a very old and ancient method, which is said to have been used even in Asklepiia, in ancient Greece, during the time of Hippocrates.